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l'amour est dans le ciel

love is in the air

L'Esprit de Courvoisier, a cognac made from brandies distilled between 1802 and 1931, sells for $350 per shot (1 and 1/2 ounces).

The Language Esperanto

Sunday, July 27, 2003 marked the 50th anniversary of the armistice that ended the Korean War.

Korean War Commemoration

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. -Sir Winston Churchill

The Democratic Voice of Burma

proselytize \PROS-uh-luh-tyz\, intransitive verb:
   1. To induce someone to convert to one's religious faith.
   2.  To  induce  someone  to  join one's institution, cause, or
   political party.

Cao Dai

brief history of the Philippines - Spanish colony from 1521 to 1898, when U.S. Navy defeated Spanish fleet at Manila Bay. Americans crushed Filipino rebels in six-year war. Japan occupied islands in World War II. Independence granted in 1946.

Insect Images

Last Updated: 07-28-03

journal. ready. go.

our great tribulations!
oh, everything felt wrong.
good words.
strong words.
words that could've moved mountains!
words that no one ever said.
we were all waiting to hear those words.
and no one ever said them.
and the tactics never hatched.
and the plans were never met.
and we all learned not to believe.



The Weakerthans' new album
Reconstruction Site
will be released on August 26, 2003.

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