l'amour est dans le ciel


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to do

Boredom is a sign of satisfied ignorance, blunted apprehension, crass sympathies, dull understanding, feeble powers of attention, and irreclaimable weakness of character. (james bridie)

08-03 Steiner Audit. > Thelonious Monk film - $6 at 2:30pm

08-03 Cave 9 > Army of Ponch, House on Fire, The Calico System, Recovery Period

08-04 Cave 9 > Cut the Shit, Paid in Blood, xTraitorx, The Rites, Silenced, Tragic Figure

08-06 Non Stop Art > Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start

08-07 Steiner Audit. > 32 short films - Glenn Gould - $6 at 7:30pm

08-07 The Earl (Atl) > The Album Leaf, Rizzudo, Ilya, Electrosleep International

08-08 MJQ Concourse (Atl) > Against Me!

08-10 Steiner Audit. > Japanese Performance Dragon Dancers - free at 2:30pm

08-10 Cave 9 > Punk Rock Picnic www.cave9.com

08-14 Happy 22nd B'day, David Brown!

08-14 Masquerade (Atl) > Reggie & the Full Effect, Midtown, My Chemical Romance, Senses Fail, 10star

08-16 Cave 9 > Awesomefest www.cave9.com

08-15/16/17 Sloss Furnace > www.furnacefest.com

08-19 Happy 25th B'day, John Masino!

08-20 UAB classes begin.

08-21 Cave 9 > Blue Sky Mile, Hope for the Best, Striking Point, Johnny Nobody

08-31 Cave 9 > One Reason, New Mexican Disaster Squad

09-01 Labor Day

09-07 Cave 9 > Troubled Hubble, Fake Red Seth, Moments in Grace, Last Great Liar, Last Flight In

09-24 Oak Mnt > R.E.M., Sparklehorse

09-26 Cave 9 > Accellera Deck, Slinger, The Thousandth Man

09-27 Echo Lounge (Atl) > Cursive, Jet by Day, Fin Fang Foom, Eastern Youth

If I am forgetting anything, let me know: vegan@uab.edu or sign the guest book.